Learn how to help your students to bend and not break in the presence of life's challenges.
Many leading mental health professionals, including Gabor Matte, are advocating for movement and mindfulness to help both children and adults process traumas that are so prevalent today. This unique, trauma-sensitive program, designed for all levels of ability and experience, will enhance your personal life and provide readily available tools for your private practice and schools.
A Mindfulness training experience that helps to alter your relationship with worry, anxiety and depression and remind you of the vibrancy of life.
This program is used in private practice and schools, offering science-based, cross-curricular, cross-cultural lessons for all ages. The 220 pg manual and the 100hr certification program includes Jenny and Blair's combined 50 years of expertise in mindfulness and body-based healing techniques.
Written by Blair Abbass and Jenny Kierstead, Mindfulness in Schools was piloted in the public school system and includes contributions from Internationally renowned leaders in self-regulation and mindfulness, such as Leah Kupers author of Zones of Regulation, Kelly Mahler, recognized for her work in Introception as well as leading educators in Nova Scotia such as specialist in Mindfulness for Autism Catherine Rahey, First Nation Leaders in Education Janean Marshall and Beverley Jedore plus more.
This NEW evidence-based program is a four-tiered approach to self-regulation for classroom and home life, based on:
· Mindfulness
· Movement
· Cognitive Therapy
· Story Telling
"The manual is well laid out and contains beautiful teachings and instructional tools. It provided the perfect framework for me to develop my mindfulness classes, which have already had a profound impact on my students and on me personally as a Professor"
- Dr. Heather Gunn McQuillan, Graduate
"I found this program to be as much of a personal retreat as it was a professional development course."
- Jerome Stewart, Principal, NS
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